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About the Breed


About the Breed

The Staffordshire Bull Terrier, also known as Stafford or Staffie, is a breed of short-haired, small to medium sized dog. The breed was developed in Staffordshire, England and northern parts of Birmingham.
SBT first originated by crossing the Bulldog and Black and Tan Terrier, and evolved over time with the infusion of other breeds for refinement of purpose. In mid-19th century Victorian England, this dog was used for control of vermin and dog fighting.

James Hinks of Birmingham, England was founder of the Bull Terrier which shares the same ancestry as the Staffie. As a breeder, Hinks played a significant role in perfecting the Staffie, a breed that “emerged as one of the most successful and enduring.”[3] After the banning of blood sports and pit fighting in 1835, attitudes changed which, over the course of a few centuries, resulted in generations of responsible breeding and further breed refinement of the Staffie as a popular family pet and companion dog.

It was not until the 1930’s that The Kennel Club (KC) in the UK recognised the Staffordshire Bull Terrier as a breed. The Staffie’s early association as a fighting dog was the biggest obstacle to overcome, but the breed eventually earned recognition as “a wonderful family pet”[1] and was added to the breed registry. Staffies first arrived in North America in the 1880s but it was not until 1974 that the American Kennel Club (AKC) recognised the Staffordshire Bull Terrier as a breed.[3]

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Frequently asked Questions

Staffords are indeed very intelligent dogs. What makes them special is their “always eager to please” character. In the right hands, Staffords are easy to train, but bare in mind they often test just how much they can get away with. Not to be forgotten, they do have a bit of a stubborn streak which must be taken into account. 

Staffies are known to be healthy dogs, but they can suffer from several hereditary health issues. Hence, we emphasize on testing the breeding dogs. 

Nowadays we have test for Hereditary cataracts (HC) and L-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria (L2HGA). 

As Staffords are generally very healthy medium sized dogs, they enjoy quite long lifespans. If well cared for and fed an appropriate diet, Staffords can live from anything up to 14-15 years, or even longer.

There are NOT dangerous! Undesirable, irresponsible people make them or any dog vicious, dangerous. There nice size and a fun breed to own.  Them being smart, yet stubborn, sometimes makes them seem handful. 

Bare in mind, in some Countries they are covered by the DDA. In Croatia, registered Staffords make an exception from the DDA, but only with certified proof of character.

NO! Staffords are a lot smaller than Pit Bulls and they weigh a lot less too. Except a big difference in size, there is also a big difference in character. 
Staffords are recognized under the European kennel club (FCI), whilst the Pit Bulls are not. 

Breed Standard

Group : n°3 – Terriers

SectionBull type Terriers
Date of acceptance on a definitive basis by the FCI10/21/1954
Official authentic languageEnglish
Date of publication of the official valid standard6/24/1987
Breed statusRecognized on a definitive basis
Country of origin of the breedGREAT BRITAIN
Working trialNot subject to a working trial according to the FCI breeds nomenclature

GENERAL APPEARANCE: Smooth-coated, well balanced, of
great strength for his size. Muscular, active and agile.
indomitable courage and tenacity. Highly intelligent and affectionate
especially with children. Bold, fearless and totally reliable.
HEAD: Short.
Skull: Deep through with broad skull.
Stop: Distinct.
Nose: Black.
Muzzle: Short foreface.
Jaws/Teeth: Jaws strong, teeth large, with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i. e. upper teeth closely overlapping the lower teeth and set square to the jaw.
Lips: Tight and clean.
Cheeks: Very pronounced cheek muscles.
EYES: Dark preferred but may bear some relation to coat colour. Round, of medium size, and set to look straight ahead. Eye rims dark.
EARS: Rose or half pricked, not large or heavy. Full, drop or pricked ears highly undesirable.
NECK: Muscular, rather short, clean in outline gradually widening towards shoulders.
BODY: Close-coupled.
Topline: Level.
Chest: Wide front, deep brisket, well sprung ribs ; muscular and well defined.
TAIL: Medium length, low set, tapering to a point and carried rather low. Should not curl much and may be likened to an old-fashioned pump handle.
Legs straight and well boned, set rather wide apart, showing no weakness at the pasterns, from which point feet turn out a little.

Shoulders: Well laid back.
Elbows: No looseness.
Forefeet: Well padded, strong and of medium size. Nails black in solid coloured dogs.
HINDQUARTERS: Well muscled. Legs parallel when viewed from behind.
Stifles: Well bent.
Hocks: Well let down.
Hind feet: Well padded, strong and of medium size. Nails black in solid coloured dogs.
GAIT/ MOVEMENT: Free, powerful and agile with economy of effort. Legs moving parallel when viewed from front or rear. Discernible drive from hindlegs.
Hair: Smooth, short and close.
Colour: red, fawn, white, black or blue, or any one of these colours
with white. Any shade of brindle or any shade of brindle with white.
Black and tan or liver colour highly undesirable.
SIZE AND WEIGHT: Desirable height at withers: 14-16 ins. (35,5 to 40,5 cm), these heights being related to the weights.
Weight: Dogs : 28-38 lbs (12,7-17 kg).
Bitches : 24-34 lbs (11-15,4 kg)
FAULTS: Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.
• Aggressive or overly shy dogs.
• Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities.
• Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
• Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with breed typical conformation, should be used for breeding.

See standard on the FCI pages

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