was held following this event and took place nine weeks later, l7th August, 1935 with Mr. H. N. Beilby as judge. All the notable dogs of that era were there, such as ‘Jim the Dandy’ (opposite) from whom the original standard was chiefly taken, ‘Cross Guns Johnson,’ who six months later secured the first award for Best of Breed at Crufts, ‘Fearless Joe,’ his son ‘Vindictive Monty’ (the first one) and my own ‘Game Lad.’ In bitches, were ‘Brave Nell,’ ‘Queenie’, and from the North, ‘Lioness.’ The awards were: Open Dog and Best in Show ‘Jim the Dandy,’ 2, ‘Game Lad,’ 3, ‘Cross Guns Johnson,’ Res. was ‘Vindictive Monty,’ Open Bitch 1, ‘Brave Nell,’ 2, ‘ Queenie,’ 3, ‘Lioness,’ Res. ‘Victorious Lass.’ Special awards other than for best dog and bitch were for best second prize winner and best over four years of age were awarded to ‘Game Lad.’